LCI Magazine

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Survey Questions

  1. How old are you?
    1. 18 years old or less
    2. 19-20 years old
    3. 21-30 years old
    4. 31-40 years old
    5. 41-50 years old or more

  2. Where are you located?
    1. North America
    2. Asia
    3. Western Europe
    4. Eastern Europe
    5. Pacific Islands
    6. Australia
    7. South America

  3. What is your gender?
    1. Male
    2. Female
    3. Other/No Response

  4. What is your primary occupation?
    1. Arts/Entertainment
    2. Media/Publishing
    3. Banking/Financial Services/Real Estate
    4. Education
    5. Student
    6. Clerical/Administration
    7. Marketing/Sales/Advertising
    8. Consumer Retail/Wholesale
    9. Computer Related (software, hardware, IS, MIS, Internet, DP)
    10. Engineering (non-computer related)/Construction
    11. Government/Public Service/Military
    12. Homemaker
    13. Law/Legal Services
    14. Manufacturing/Distribution
    15. Medical/Health Services
    16. Scientific/Research
    17. Small Business/Home Business
    18. Retired
    19. None/Not employed
    20. Other

  5. What is your racial affiliation?
    1. American Indian or Alaskan Native
    2. Asian
    3. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
    4. Black or African-American
    5. White
    6. Some Other Race

  6. What is your level of education?
    1. Some high school
    2. High school graduate
    3. Some college
    4. College graduate
    5. Master's Degree or higher

  7. What is your lingual ability?
    1. English exclusively
    2. English primarily, and one other language (bilingual)
    3. English is the secondary language (bilingual)
    4. Fluent in three languages or more (multilingual)

  8. How often do you visit the community?
    1. Several times a day
    2. Once a day
    3. A few times per week
    4. A few times per month

  9. How much time do you devote to accessing the community?
    1. 1-2 hours a week or less
    2. 3-5 hours a week
    3. 6-10 hours a week
    4. 11-15 hours a week or more.

  10. Where do you access the community? (Choose all that apply)
    1. Home
    2. Work
    3. School/Library
    4. Internet cafe, kiosk or other commerical location

  11. How do you access the Internet?
    1. 56K Modem
    2. Cable
    3. DSL
    4. Ethernet
    5. Other

  12. Do you visit other communities regularly?
    1. Yes, other Delphi forums
    2. Yes, message boards on other services and websites
    3. Yes, All of the above
    4. No

  13. How did you first find this particular community?
    1. Word of mouth
    2. An electronic mailing list
    3. A directly affilated website
    4. A reference in a physical publication
    5. A non-Delphi message board or forum
    6. Internet search (or Delphi search) for related subject(s)
    7. Other

  14. How long have you been participating in the community?
    1. Less than six months
    2. Less than a year
    3. Less than two years
    4. Two years or more

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