LCI Film.Literature.Software Series
Date/Location |
Nov 22, 2005
Hall 2509
Screening and
Discussion leaders for this event: Yanoula Athanassakis & Kim Knight
Event Details |
Vincent is one of the last "natural" babies born into a sterile, genetically-enhanced world, where life expectancy and disease
likelihood are ascertained at birth. Myopic and due to die at 30, he is automatically denied the opportunity to pursue a career as an astronaut. When he assumes the identity of Jerome, a man who is genetically perfect yet crippled, things begin to look up. Vincent is close to his dream of space flight and the beautiful Irene has entered his life, adding some much needed variety. However, things start to fall apart when the mission director at Gattaca Corp is
murdered. Not knowing whom he can trust, Vincent’s life is thrown into chaos as he tries to avoid suspicion and maintain his identity.
About LCI
Film.Literature.Software Series |
The Film.Literature.Software series
is sponsored by the UCSB English Department's
Literature and the Culture of Information (LCI)
specialization. Events in the series bring together
undergraduate students, graduate students, and
faculty to discuss films, fiction, poetry, games,
software, and other works related to new media
and new technologies. (See http://transcriptions.english.ucsb.edu/events/fls-series/
index.asp). The LCI
specialization is associated with the English
Department's Transcriptions project on literary
history and information culture.