Humanities & Fine Arts Grant, 2001
- Date: February
14, 2001
- To: David Marshall,
Dean of Humanities
- Cc: Elizabeth
Cook, Assoc. Dean of Humanities; Leonard Wallock,
Assoc. Director, IHC
- Fr: Alan Liu,
Carol Pasternack, Mark Rose, William Warner
(faculty of the Transcriptions Project and English
Dept. Specialization in Literature & the Culture
of Information)
- Re: Proposal
for Special Research and Curricular Initiatives

1. Abstract |
The Transcriptions Project is requesting
funding as a Special Research and Curricular Initiative
to develop the Specialization in Literature &
the Culture of Information recently approved for
undergraduate English majors. The funding will
assist course and Web-site development and also
the creation of the specialization's innovative
"extracurricular" dimension. The latter
includes both a colloquium series that will bring
students into contact with representatives of
information-technology fields in California industry,
media, and academia and undergraduate/graduate-student
research teams that will contribute field work,
writing, and technical work to the evolving Transcriptions
Web site. In addition, Transcriptions will plan
for a student internship program that may in the
future contribute a summer component to the specialization. |
2. Background |
Seeded by a three-year grant from the NEH that
ceases after the current academic year, Transcriptions
("Transcriptions: Literary History and the
Culture of Information") has allowed six
faculty members, more than a dozen graduate-student
research assistants, and an undergraduate research
assistant to collaborate in creating 13 Web-enabled
courses about information culture as well as an
extensive central Web site. Courses such as "Scroll
to Screen," "The Culture of Information,"
and others address literature as itself an engagement
with past "information revolutions"
(including the writing and print revolutions)
and thus place the study of literature in conjunction
with the study of current information culture.
The ultimate aim is to build information technology
into the English curriculum in a way that does
not reduce computers to a mere "tools"
but integrates them conceptually with literary
studies. Humanities students learn to understand
and contribute to information culture while also,
not unimportantly, outfitting themselves with
the technical skills they need in their future
lives (through Web-authoring and other assignments).
In addition, Transcriptions has established an
accompanying research initiative that includes
a colloquium series and "topics" Web
pages researched by graduate students. (All of
Transcriptions' courses, colloquia, resources,
and performance reports are online at http://transcriptions.english.ucsb.edu/)
The project has been favorably reviewed for the
NEH by Prof. J. Hillis Miller of UC Irvine (letter
Now Transcriptions is preparing for its next
stage of development. As of the present winter
quarter, Transcriptions is initiating one of the
first of the English Department's new elective
"specializations" for its majors. This
year, the "Literature and the Culture of
Information" specialization will offer four
courses, including Transcriptions' first-ever
lower-division, GE lectures. More courses are
being planned for next year (see below). (See
the following Web site for a fuller description
of the specialization and links to its current
courses: http//transcriptions.english.ucsb.edu/curriculum/lci/).
Proposal |
Transcriptions is requesting funding as a Special
Research and Curricular Initiative to develop
courses for its "Literature and the Culture
of Information" specialization as well as
to create for this specialization an "extracurricular"
dimension allowing students and faculty to collaborate
on research bringing them into contact with industry,
media, and academic leaders outside UCSB:
Course and Technology Development for the
As confirmed by Transcriptions' past experience,
a reality of Web-enabled instruction is that it
requires continuing graduate-student assistance
to build Web pages, offer Web-authoring workshops
and drop-in help hours for students in classes,
and provide technical expertise. Such service
is valuable to graduate students themselves because
it teaches them to use technology in ways that
ultimately benefit their own research, teaching,
and career options. In addition (as detailed in
the section below), the overall educational value
of assistant positions will now be augmented because
they play a central role in the new, vertically-integrated
research teams (faculty, graduate students, and
undergraduates) planned for the "Literature
and the Culture of Information" specialization.
Transcriptions is requesting 5 quarters of TA
support next year. TAs will support the creation
or technological advancement of the following
courses for 2001-2002 (draft syllabi attached
for several of these courses):
- English 25, "Literature and the Culture
of Information" (Liu)
- English 165HL, "Hypertext Fiction"
- English 165SS, "Scroll to Screen"
- English 192, "Digital Science Fiction"
- English 122, "New Media Censorship"
The need for TA support is amplified by
the fact that the English Department's current
job search in "digital humanities" may
add as many as two new faculty members next year
who will be contributing courses to the specialization
on the relation of information technology to new
media, electronic literature, gender, and globalism.
Colloquia, Student Research Teams, Student
One of the most innovative aspects of the new
"Literature and the Culture of Information"
specialization will be its attempt to meet the
English Department's mandate that majors electing
a specialization be provided with an outside-the-classroom,
network- and community-building, "value-added"
experience. Transcriptions is taking this mandate
as an opportunity to think creatively and to build
on its past success in assembling students and
faculty in collaborative research teams. The plan
is to create undergraduate/graduate/faculty teams
whose research activities bridge between the academy
and the outside world. Specifically, funding is
being requested for the following four closely
related initiatives:
- Colloquium Series: An exciting aspect
of Transcriptions has been its colloquium series,
which has introduced faculty and graduate students
in the English department to scholars and entrepreneurs
in different fields related to information technology.
(See http://transcriptions.english.ucsb.edu/colloquia.shtml)
For the new specialization, Transcriptions is
planning to continue the series in a way that
actively includes undergraduates. Transcriptions
will bring onto campus interesting industry,
media, or academic authorities and mount events
specifically designed to bring them into dialogue
with undergraduates. Possible speakers next
year include Chuck House of the Dialogics/Intel
corporation; Johanna Blakely, program director
of the USC Annenberg Entertainment Initiative;
Katherine Hayles from the UCLA English Dept.;
Marjorie Luesebrink, noted Southern-Californian
hypertext fiction author.
- Field-Trip Events: Transcriptions "field
trips" would realize a long-coveted ambition
of the project: to bring UCSB students off-campus
to explore the offices and labs of Southern
California information-technology and media
companies. In addition, field trips would be
organized to various facilities in non-humanities
disciplines within UCSB itself. Currently, for
example, Transcriptions plans to approach the
following off-campus and campus facilities to
set up field trips: Computer Motion, Metacollege.com,
UCLA Media Arts Dept., UCI Art Dept. (The above
organizations or programs are named because
Transcriptions has already developed contacts
with them.)
- Research/Editorial Teams: There will
be two research teams (one in Winter, one in
Spring) consisting of a faculty adviser, a graduate-student
supervisor, and two undergraduate research assistants
selected from those enrolled in or interested
in the specialization. The teams would follow
up on the activities described above by conducting
interviews and research related to the speakers,
projects, and issues featured in the Colloquia
and Field Trip series. In addition, the teams
would research other issues related to courses
in the specialization or the general topic of
information culture. The results of the research
would be edited by the team for inclusion in
the Transcriptions/VoS/English Dept. database
and thus on Web sites produced by that database
(see above for description of the database-to-Web
system). For example, a research team would
interview an authority in the industry about
speech-recognition technology, do research in
the field of speech-recognition as a whole,
produce an edited transcript of the interview
and a precis of the field, create a set of annotated
links to online resources, and "publish"
the results through the database on the Web
sites of Transcriptions, related courses, and
- Planning for Student Internships: With
the assistance of the Development Office, Transcriptions
has in the past year consulted off-campus company
executives and the UCSB CEEM program to explore
the possibility of a summer student internship
program for graduate students and undergraduates.
(The feasibility of such a program is supported
by the de facto record of the English Dept.
during the past several years in placing some
of its high-tech students in industry.) Because
of the complexity involved in setting up internships,
however, Transcriptions does not anticipate
being able to roll out such a program next year.
Instead, it is requesting the equivalent of
"planning and feasibility-study" funding
to lay the groundwork. If funded, the Transcriptions
director would set up visits to businesses in
Santa Barbara and the Southern California region
and map out (in cooperation with Career Counseling)
a support apparatus for humanities high-tech
interns akin to the engineering-cum-entrepreneurial
workshops now available through CEEM.
Budget |
Teaching Assistantships
(5 quarters) |
$23,364 |
Five quarters of teaching assistantship
would be needed to support the plans outlined
above. Three of these quarters would allow
for a TA each quarter of the year to help
create Web pages, support courses, provide
technical assistance to students, and assist
in general development. An additional two
quarters would staff the two "research/editorial"
teams described above (in which a graduate
student would help supervise undergraduate
research assistants). [Note: the requested
funding amount is based on the 2000-2001salary
scale for TAs, and would need to be increased
if there is a range adjustment. To attract
qualified graduate students to these positions,
it is necessary to pay a salary competitive
with regular TAships in the deparment.] |
Colloquia |
$1,500 |
For honoraria and expenses of
speakers in the colloquium series who will
be asked to talk to undergraduates. |
Research Assistants |
$2,800 |
As described above, the two
"research/editorial" teams in the
specialization would each involve two undergraduates
doing extracurricular work as research assistants
(a total of four quarters of research assistance;
10 hours/wk per student) |
Course Relief for Transcriptions Director |
For administration of Transcriptions
and the specialization as well as for planning
a student-internship program (described above).
In 2000-2001, the administration of Transcriptions
has involved an average of one meeting per
week in addition to other duties. This load
is expected to go up with the launch of the
new specialization. (Important Note: this
course relief is not directly related to research
but to orchestrating the whole of the related
curricular and research tasks involved in
the initiative. We are including it in hopes
that it would be covered under the following
language in Dean Marshall's original call
for proposals: "Course relief for ambitious
projects that combine research and teaching
and require significant planning and organizational
efforts . . . ." If this item does not
qualify for the present grant because it is
not directly tied in to a specific individual's
research project or course, then we request
that the item be broken out separately and
the rest of the budget considered on its own.) |
Total Budget with Administrative
Course Relief |
$32,164 |
[Total Budget
without Administrative Course Relief] |
[$27,664] |
Other Funding Applied for
or Received: Funding committed by
the English Dept.:
- Staff-level technical support, $10,000
- Graduate-student RAs for VoS/Transcriptions,
- FTE for courses contributed by four
faculty in the project (plus two more
possible faculty next year who have been
offered positions in the department in
"digital humanities"): $22,500
for five courses (to be adjusted if the
number of courses goes up)
[Note: Transcriptions will not be able to
apply for Instructional Improvement funding
for 2001-2002 because its successful applications
in the past three years was predicated explicitly
on a terminus in the present academic year] |