develops materials to support the use of digital technology,
new media, and the Internet for learning and research.
While some of these resources are specific to the project
(e.g., tutorials for technology in the Transcriptions
digital studio, the Coursebuilder system that allows
faculty to publish course web sites), many are designed
to be generally useful and to serve Transcription's
larger mandate as a demonstration project.
Transcriptions uses these
resources to complement hands-on guidance in new technologies
delivered through workshops and drop-in technical support
I. Guides to Readings
in Information Culture
(Descriptions and mini-reviews of works in a
variety of media that developers of the Transcriptions
project or speakers in its colloquium series
have been reading. These are the works that
are helping to shape the intellectual direction
of the Transcriptions project. The Bookshelf
is a searchable database.)
to E-Literature (annotated catalogue of
representative works of hypertext fiction, poetry,
and theory in a variety of media, both offline
and online works; includes a guide to the Transcription
studio's library of publications by the Eastgate
II. Guides to Online
Learning & Research
Research Resources (library catalogues,
digital text archives, periodical indices, etc.;
includes both general-access and UCSB-only resources)
& Citing Online Resources (checklists,
exercises, examples, and annotated links; also
includes a printable form to use in tracking
and evaluating online sites)
III. Guides to Transcriptions
(LCI) Course Technology
Basics (basic outline of the process required
to download, revise, and upload web pages associated
with Transcriptions courses)
Learning Web-Authoring (Web-Authoring Resources)
(design and how-to advice for both beginning
and advanced Web authors; includes links to
HTML and design style guides, help with images,
and examples of good and bad design)
Started with Dreamweaver (beginner's tutorial
with step-by-step instructions for setting up
a site in Dreamweaver, creating a page, and
uploading it)
Publishing Basics (for UCSB Students with
Umail Email Accounts) (step-by-step guide to
making your first page and uploading it to the
UCSB Uweb server)
Basics (step-by-step instructions based
on the scanner in the Transcriptions studio
give beginners a sense of the process for scanning
images for use on a Web page)
(UCSB English Dept. login required): Programmed
by Eric Weitzel, a Transcriptions research and
teaching assistant, Coursebuilder is a custom
system that allows UCSB English Department instructors
to create full-fledged course Web sites through
the use of Web forms. Course sites include pages
for overviews, schedules of reading, assignments,
student projects, etc., as well as class notes
pages (for outlines, texts, or multimedia to
be used during class meetings). Course content
is kept in a SQL Server database that dynamically
generates Web pages. Instructors may choose
one of a number of frontend "skins"
for the display of their course site depending
on the nature of the course. Skins exist for
courses given by the Transcriptions project
and the UCSB English Department's Early
Modern Center and American
Cultures Center. There is also a skin for
UCSB English Department courses in general.
of course created with Coursebuilder)