Contemporary Experimental Narratives
ENGL 146EN - Fall 2003, Rita Raley
Regular attendance is expected and more than two absences will significantly and adversely affect your final grade. Four absences usually results in a failing grade for participation. "Attendance" also means that you come to class prepared.
Technology Overview
The Transcriptions TAs for Fall 2003 are Melissa Stevenson and Chris Hoffpauir; they will each hold regular lab hours and be available for tech tutoring during those times.
I have requested stickers for your student IDs so that you may use any of the Phelps Instructional Computing labs. Stickers are available from the U-mail help desk in Phelps 1523. Phelps 1529 is an open-access lab and a sticker is not necessary for admission.
Instructional Computing offers a series of free software tutorials. The schedule for these workshops can be found online here.
The Transcriptions computing studio will also be available for you to use, and a Transcriptions TA will hold regular studio hours. During these hours the lab will be open to all members of the class for web authoring and reading. The computing studio has a scanner, PC computers, and all of the production tools you will need to compose your project, including Photoshop, Fireworks, Dreamweaver, and a new sound editor from Sound Forge. There are HTML reference manuals and most of the texts in the Eastgate Library are also on hand for you read. The Transcriptions web archive also contains a great deal of information about web authoring.