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Contemporary Experimental Narratives
ENGL 146EN - Fall 2003,  Rita Raley

* A UCSB faculty minigrant supported the development of this course site, which was composed with the research assistance of Mike Benveniste. Mike is primarily responsible for locating the critical materials on Calvino, Cha, Auster, Danielewski, Lynch, and Ware.
* Some of the required texts are on reserve in Davidson Library, as are two encyclopedias of narrative theory. [course reserve]

Studies of Narrative

H. Porter Abbott, The Cambridge Introduction to Narrative (on reserve in Davidson Library)

---. "A Glossary of Useful Terms for Discussing Narrative" (English 236; UCSB)

Mieke Bal, Introduction to the Theory of Narrative

Roland Barthes, “Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narrative,” Image-Music-Text

Susan Lynne Beckwith, Narrative Terms and Definitions (online resource)

Wayne Booth, The Rhetoric of Fiction

Seymour Chatman, Coming to Terms: The Rhetoric of Narrative in Fiction and Film

Gérard Genette, Narrative Discourse

Earl Jackson, Jr., Terms for the Analysis of Narrative (Fabula/Sjuzhet) (2002; UCSC)

Manfred Jahn, Narratology: A Guide to the Theory of Narrative (online resource)

"Narratology" (Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory & Criticism)(online resource)

NarrNet: Narratology links on the web

Gerald Prince, A Dictionary of Narratology

David Richter, Narrative/Theory

Studies of Interactive Fiction, Cybertext & Digital Narrative

Espen Aarseth, Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature ("Intrigue and Discourse in the Adventure Game")

Mark Meadows, Pause & Effect: The Art of Interactive Narrative

Experimental Narratives, 1960s-1970s

John Barth, Letters (1979)

Donald Barthelme, Snow White (1967) [reader questionnaire (pp. 82-3)]

Raymond Federman, Take It Or Leave It (1976)

B.S. Johnson, The Unfortunates (1969) and Christie Malry’s Own Double Entry (1973) [Frank Kermode on B.S. Johnson]

Marc Saporta, Composition no. 1 (1962)

Gilbert Sorrentino, Mulligan Stew (1979)

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