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The Culture of the Copy
ENGL 146CC - Spring 2007,  Rita Raley

  • The online version of the syllabus will be updated continually throughout the quarter.
  • Film screenings will likely be the most difficult logistical problem that we have. Those not able to attend the class screenings will be able to view the films in the learning lab in Kerr Hall; they are also easily obtainable through local video stores.
  • Note that the list of recommended readings may occasionally be quite extensive: these mini-bibliographies will provide context for some of the primary readings, lectures, and class discussion. The general equivalent in print culture would be the headnote in an anthology. Some of the links will be used as illustrations in lecture and will appear in our "class notes" sub-pages. The study materials page will also direct you to related material.
  • All assignments for this course must be completed. There will be no incompletes.

  • Midterm paper
    Weight: 25% of final grade
    Due: May 3

    The midterm paper should be 5-6 pages. Questions and topics will be assigned. Hard copies only.


    Creative exercise
    Weight: 25% of final grade
    Due: June 7

    There will be a handout describing this short exercise in plagiarism, imitation, or copyright violation, which is to be published online along with a critical rationale for your project. The online assignment is a customary feature of LCI classes and a print-only version of your creative project will not be accepted. Your project may be posted to a wiki, a blog, an online journal, or an independent website--wherever you choose. There will be a TA this term who will host regular hours in the Transcriptions lab and will be able to assist you with the uploading of your work to the web.

    Robert Nideffer, The Fine Art of Appropriation (1997)


    Final Exam
    Weight: 30% of final grade
    Due: Monday, June 11 (12-3 p.m.)

    Short essay and passage identification


    Class participation
    Weight: 20% of final grade

    Since this course is mid-sized, it will balance lecture and student participation. You should come to class prepared to answer general and detailed questions about the texts on the syllabus. You will also have a chance to participate in class discussions over our listerv. I will post questions and comments to the list, but this forum should allow you to engage with the other members of the class and pursue discussion topics that spring from our regular class sessions.

    We will also hold one class session in Second Life (May 1). You will need to join (membership is free) and create an avatar to participate. Details to be provided as the day approaches.

    Regular attendance is expected and more than two absences will adversely affect your final grade.



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