LCI Magazine

What do you see?


The Project

Data Acquired



Netscape Users

The survey was designed as way of gathering statistical information about the characteristics of the individuals in the The Warren Ellis Forum so that I might form a rough composite of the social environment.

I put this together using Delphi's own forum service. I created a forum that required a specific password and then posted the password on The Warren Ellis Forum. In the survey forum, I created a thread or post explaining the features of my project, and the purpose of my survey. I posted the Survey Questions in a second thread with a link to the first, as a firm reminder to read the Instructions and Statement of Purpose.

This survey was clearly explained to be voluntary and all responses were kept anonymous upon request. Respondents who posted to the relatively public forum thread with their responses are identified by nick-names that may or may not necessary be their own real names. Furthermore, I gave respondants two other options for protecting their anonymity in taking the survey. The survey could be printed out and responded to with pen or pencil and then mailed to the English department or responses could be sent by (also relatively anonymous) e-mail.

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