Improvement Proposal, 2004
- Date:
February 17, 2004
- To: Ronald W. Tobin,
Assoc. Vice Chancellor Academic Programs
- From: Profs. Alan Liu
and Rita Raley, Co-Directors of English Department
Literature & Culture of Information Specialization
(Transcriptions Project)
- Re: Proposal for Instructional
Improvement Grant

Abstract |
The Transcriptions
Project and its associated Literature
and Culture of Information (LCI) undergraduate
specialization are seeking an Instructional Improvement
grant for a multifaceted undergraduate pedagogy
development initiative that will build on the
instructional technology and resources it has
created for the English Department. While continuing
to improve courses in the LCI specialization itself,
this initiative is primarily designed to extend
the benefit of instructional technology more widely
to other undergraduate courses in the department:
The Undergraduate Pedagogy Initiative
would be staffed by graduate student assistants
supervised by Profs. Alan Liu and Rita Raley through
the framework of the English Department's new
Technology Colloquium (English 593). The Colloquium,
which began in 2002-2003, is a combined technology
and skills-development workshop in which Transcriptions
faculty supervise student assistants working on
the department's various digital projects.
History & Context |
Beginning in 1998 when it received
a three-year grant for its Transcriptions Project
from the National Endowment for the Humanities
(supplemented by College of Letters & Science
and Instructional Improvement funding), the UCSB
English Department has emphasized the development
of information technology and its integration
in research and teaching. The characteristic pattern
of such development work has been for the several
new technology-intensive "centers" within
the department (the Transcriptions Project, the
Early Modern Center, and the American Cultures
and Global Contexts Center) to create resources
for their courses and then to pass along the technology
to the department at large. As a result, the department
is now known as one of the nation's leaders in
humanities computing, to which it has made a demonstrable
long-term commitment. Major projects accomplished
since 1998 include the following:
- Transcriptions
Project ("Transcriptions: Literary
History and the Culture of Information"):
a research and curricular initiative in which
multiple faculty and graduate students designed
courses, research materials, colloquia, lab
facilities, and online resources devoted to
the thoughtful implementation of digital technology
in the humanities. Transcriptions has served
as the model for two new centers in the English
Department that make use of digital technology:
the Early
Modern Center (EMC) and American
Cultures and Global Contexts Center (ACGC).
[Note: the EMC and ACGC are applying separately
for Instructional Improvement funding to complete,
extend, and widen the use of information technology.]
- Literature
and Culture of Information (LCI) Undergraduate
Specialization: a curricular specialization
within the English major in which students take
at least four LCI courses from an average of
6-8 offered each year. LCI courses also enroll
other English majors as well as a wide spectrum
of students from other disciplines. In addition,
the LCI provides extracurricular learning opportunities—e.g.,
field trips to technology companies and classroom
visits by extramural speakers.
- Early
Modern Center Image Gallery: a database-driven
gallery of online study images of art, architecture,
and manuscript facsimiles from roughly 1580
to 1800 (restricted by password to instructional
use). The Image Gallery allows instructors to
use Web forms to build sequential or parallel
"slide shows." It is also searchable
and browseable in multiple ways, and includes
textual annotation.
- English
Department Web Site and Database: one of
the nation's most content-rich and technically
advanced humanities department Web sites. The
site is driven by a database-to-Web system (using
SQL Server as the backend) that allows instructors
and staff to update content dynamically through
Web forms. Content is deep on the site and includes
resources designed to make the primary research
and instructional activities of the department
- English Department
Coursebuilder Initiative:
Recently, Transcriptions completed for the English
Department a Coursebuilder
Web-site creation system, which is now being
used in a number of courses. Last year's Coursebuilder
Adoption Initiative widened the use of the system
in the department through instructor workshops,
research-assistant support, and the completion
of documentation for the system. This was a
crucial step in the department's pedagogy because
an increasing number of English courses are
using online materials in their reading assignments,
student authoring assignments, and in-class
- Related Digital Initiatives:
The English Department is the home of Voice
of the Shuttle, one of the oldest and best-known
humanities portals (recently converted into
a database-driven site) and also of the University
of California Digital
Cultures Project (a UC system-wide research
group headquartered at UCSB).
As a result of the above projects,
the English Department has created a lively and
expanding community of faculty and graduate students
working in humanities computing.
3. Proposal |
Transcriptions is asking for an Instructional
Improvement grant to help extend the English Department's
innovations in humanities computing in a direction
that benefits not only its own LCI courses but other
courses in the department. Transcriptions proposes
the following development initiative:
Pedagogy Initiative |
A. Development
of Shared Online Teaching Resources in the English
Department Knowledge Base (EDKB):
- In Summer 2003, the Department
expanded the variety and amount of its online
instructional materials and organized its shared
online instructional resources into a database
system: the English
Department Knowledge Base. (See
sample screens below.) Creating this database
involved the digitizing of print-based teaching
materials for commonly taught courses (including
syllabi, teaching notes, glossaries, historical
guides, writing guides, and other resources).
In particular, Transcriptions developed for
the department a common, searchable interface
for teaching materials that is accessible at
all levels of the department's Web (main Web
site, center and project sites, individual course
sites) and that is driven by a common underlying
database-to-Web system. The goal was to make
resources created for one class instantly available
for use in other classes. Thus for example,
a repository of annotated links or a bibliography
of criticism designed for English
146EN (Contemporary Experimental Narratives)
is now available to English 21 (Introduction
to Narrative), and vice versa. So, too (to take
another example), all instructors in the department
now have access to a developing archive of primary
materials organized by author and topic (examples
include "Caribbean Poetry," "T.S.
Eliot," and "William Gibson").
These primary materials have been added to the
department's Voice
of the Shuttle humanities portal site
(see EDKB:
Course Materials) and courses are
able to draw on the vast repository of annotated
humanities links in the database.
propose during the next year to extend and integrate
this work by digitizing significantly more print
materials as well as putting online new visual,
video, and audio materials requested by instructors.
One especially substantial body of materials
that we plan to add to the EDKB is the rich
study repository—including primary texts
(many not readily available elsewhere), bibliographies,
biographies, timelines, study questions, and
commentaries on works—that have been created
over the years by our department's graduate
students while studying for the M.A. exam. (Graduate
students traditionally form reading groups around
the eleven
elective "fields" of the English
Department's exam—e.g., "Renaissance
Literature," "Twentieth-Century Anglophone
Literature," "Theories of Genders
and Sexualities," or "Literature and
Theory of Technology." These groups create
deep print archives of materials that extend
the process of exam preparation into the kind
of institutional knowledge production seen in
guides and surveys of new fields issued by such
presses as MIT, Routledge, Cambridge, and Johns
Hopkins). Digitizing these graduate-student
materials and adding them to the EDKB would
allow them to be used as readings or supplements
to reading in all the department's courses,
including undergraduate courses (where bibliographies,
timelines, and study questions would be especially
useful). An equally important purpose is to
allow graduate-student instructors and other
instructors new to a particular topic area to
consult the department's accumulated past resources
in the design of new courses.
also propose to work with the English Department's
English Club (a student organization of very
motivated English majors) to study and survey
student usage of the EDKB and to suggest further
areas for development. Additionally, we plan
to hold workshops and create publicity materials
to widen the student use of the EDKB and other
resources on the English Department's web site.
The long-term goal is to create the critical
mass of shared instructional materials needed
to foster not just increased collaboration between
instructors but new kinds of collaboration.
The proposal to continue developing the EDKB
is motivated by the interdisciplinary trend
in literary studies that places a premium on
using multimedia and online materials in classes.
Screenshots from Current English Dept.
Knowledge Base
(click on images for larger
B. Development of Open-source
Threaded Web Forum for Classroom Use
- In recent years, English Department
faculty and graduate students have been increasingly
making use of Web-based, threaded discussion
forums for class discussion, announcements,
and assignments. The particular program that
the English Department has run on its server
for this purpose is the Ultimate
Bulletin Board (UBB), a proprietary application.
Currently, for example, Alan Liu's GE course,
English 25: The Culture of Information is using
the UBB (see example
of TA section materials posted to UBB).
Since the license for UBB is expiring, the English
Department is in the position of either upgrading
or moving to a different system. We propose
to research, acquire, implement, and test an
open-source replacement for UBB that is not
dependent on proprietary platforms and that
manages course content in standards-compliant
code (an important consideration for the archiving
and future migration of materials). This is
a high-priority goal that has the potential
to affect many courses and sections.
C. Development
of English 194 Online Course Materials
- In 2004-2005, the English Department
will begin offering a new, unique undergraduate
research course.
both to students in the department's Literature
and Culture of Information (LCI) specialization
and others (hopefully, including both English
majors and students from across the disciplines,
including the social sciences, sciences, and
engineering), English 194 will convert into
the format of a course a highly successful set
of research assistantships that the LCI made
available to undergraduates in 2001-2002 with
funding from the Division of Humanities &
Fine Arts. In that year, the LCI created two
small, paid undergraduate research teams (one
in winter, another in spring) that gave students
exposure to research work. Students on the teams
worked under the close supervision of a teaching
assistant and the Transcriptions faculty. After
orientation sessions, the students conducted
research on topics they chose that were related
to information culture. Particular topics at
that time included: the governance of online
communities, experimental and digital music,
and gaming subculture (the alternative cultural
communities that have formed around the hacking,
modifying, or emulation of digital games). The
students used research methods that incorporated
online and library research as well as interviews
with experts or spokespersons. (For the purpose
of the latter interviews and other field research,
students took the orientation training provided
by our campus for research involving human subjects.)
During each quarter, student research teams
reported at intervals to the whole group of
Transcriptions faculty and graduate-student
assistants. Then at the end of the quarter each
team wrote, designed, and put on the Web an
issue of the new, student-managed Literature
& Culture of Information Magazine, which
holds the results of research: interviews, essays,
feature articles, overviews of research, bibliographies,
etc. (See the first issues of the LCI Magazine
produced by the 2002-2003 research teams: http://transcriptions.english.ucsb.edu/curriculum/lci/magazine/index.asp)
194, a course that the English Department proposed
and received permission to initiate last year,
will convert the LCI student research teams
into a curricular activity. To be taught for
the first time in 2004-2005 by Prof. Alan Liu,
English 194 is in the format of an undergraduate
independent- (or, more accurately, team-) research
seminar. Assisted by the Transcriptions TA's
for that quarter, the instructor will orient
the students, organize five or more research
teams in each class, oversee the initial discussion
and selection of topics, supervise weekly discussions
of progress, lead workshops on research methods
and technical skills, and grade the writing
and design work for each student's contribution
to the LCI Magazine. There will be a
final presentation by research teams at the
end of the quarter in front of the Transcriptions
group of faculty and assistants as well as other
students in the LCI specialization.
of the innovative nature of the course and its
dependence on online media for instruction,
research, and publication of results, substantial
development assistance is needed. In particular,
we propose the development of an online "developer's
community" network for the course (allowing
students to use a database to post resources,
share materials, and collaborate) and a pre-designed
set of Web page templates for the publication
of student research. Assistance will also be
needed to develop in conjunction with the Office
of Research a set of informational guidelines
on human-subjects research adapted for LCI students--especially
in regard to issues currently not well accounted
for in campus human-subjects policy, including
the use of new media/communications
technologies and the conduct of humanities research
methodologies such as individual and one-time-only
(rather than survey-style or statistical) interviewing
and journalism. (The apparent incommensurability
of human subjects policies oriented primarily
toward the sciences and social sciences proved
to be a problem for the earlier, experimental
LCI research teams. This problem will need to
be solved before English 194 begins.)
Development of "Future Pedagogy" Site
- The English Department is very
keen to develop an innovative online resource
called the "Future Pedagogy" site.
As part of its training of graduate students,
the department encourages ABD students who are
preparing for the job market to create syllabi
for courses "they would like to teach,"
including both service courses and "dream"
courses. There is now a flourishing underground
economy of such "wish" courses in
the department, which have the immediate practical
goal of arming students for job interviews (we
counsel them to offer to leave example syllabi
after an interview), but which also have the
effect of catalyzing new undergraduate course
ideas by graduate-student instructors at UCSB.
These course ideas are occasionally realized
during the summer terms, when graduate students
are given the opportunity to teach both lower-
and upper-division courses, with complete control
over syllabus design and course content.
propose to create an online repository of such
"future pedagogy" courses. Not only
would such a repository support our graduate
students on the job market (they could point
evaluation committees to their online syllabi),
but it would be a powerful incentive for instructional
improvement in the department at large. Graduate
students would be able to learn from each other
their best ideas for designing and implementing
courses in particular fields, and faculty would
also be able to see how their own courses have
influenced students to design variant courses.
Such a Future Pedagogy site in the department
has the potential to be an engine of pedagogical
4. Requested Support
and Work Plan (Budget
below) |
Transcriptions is requesting support for graduate-student
research assistance during Summer 2004, Fall 2004,
and Winter 2005. Assistants would work on the
following tasks required for the Undergraduate
Pedagogy Intiative described above:
- Locate and digitize print-based
- Integrate the materials in
the English Department's database
- Assemble online bibliographies
and reading lists for department-wide use (e.g.,
of Narrative")
- Add multimedia resources requested
by instructors (e.g., audio and video)
- Continue to develop the interface
for the repository that makes materials easily
- Work on the database tables
and "middleware" code that allow resources
to be plugged dynamically into any of the department's
course pages. (The implementation of this feature
will follow the model of the department's existing
"Verso" backend system, which allows
Web page authors to drag-and-drop object-like
code modules onto a site from a common library
of such modules. These modules create the connection
strings and SQL queries that enable the dynamic
flow of information between the department database
and the Web)
- Administer a questionnaire
that surveys the way instructors and students
use shared online teaching materials. This questionnaire
will serve both to evaluate existing resources
and to diagnose areas where additional development
is needed.
Support is requested for Summer
through Winter quarters (instead of Fall through
Spring) because much of the work of building course
sites is done in the quarter before a teaching
5. Project Supervision |
The Undergraduate Pedagogy Initiative
will be supervised by Profs. Alan Liu and Rita
Raley of the Transcriptions Project through the
framework of the English Department's new Technology
Colloquium (English 593): a combined technology
and skills development workshop in which faculty
supervise student assistants working on the department's
various digital projects. The Colloquium meets
throughout the year to review ongoing work, plan
future work, and share skills (through skills
workshops devoted to such topics as "Implementing
Department Database Services on Course and Project
Web Sites"). The course enrolls the research
and teaching assistants involved in the department's
technology initiatives and centers. This supervisory
framework has been very successful in managing
past Instructional Improvement grants.
Note on the Important Role
Played by Graduate Student Assistants in the Transcriptions
Project: Graduate student assistants in Transcriptions
have in the past acted as full partners in the
project. They sit on the project's planning and
design meetings, research content for the project's
Web site, collect background and critical resources
on the use of IT in teaching, design Web pages,
and help develop the project's software and networking
environments. Students who work on the project
develop expertise that complements their research
and teaching. (An increasing number of English
Department graduate students now work in areas
where their primary dissertation field includes
issues of information culture or technology.)
Because of the combination of technical and intellectual
necessary, recruiting excellent assistants for
Transcriptions is a high priority (see explanation
of budget below).
6. Budget |
Pedagogy Initiative
- Graduate Student
Assistants for 440 hours in Summer
2004 at $14.01/hr (two students
each averaging 20 hrs/wk) = $6,164
- Benefits for Summer
Student Assistants at 4.9% = $302
- Graduate Student
Assistants for 894 hours in Fall
2004 and Winter 2005 at $21.43/hr
(two students each averaging 20
hrs/wk.) = $19,158
- Benefits for Fall
and Winter Student Assistants at
4.9% = $938
of Pay Rate and Pay Structure for Graduate Student
Assistants (SA's):
The hourly pay rate for academic-year student
assistance (as opposed to summer assistance) itemized
above is premised on the fact that Transcriptions/LCI
needs to recruit from the select group of graduate
students who have the right combination of literary
background and information-technology skills.
In the context of the English Department, this
means that there is no chance of recruiting capable
student assistants during F and W quarters unless
Transcriptions can compensate them at a level
comparable to what they would otherwise be earning
as teaching assistants in the English Department
(All graduate students in the English Department
are guaranteed 4-5 years of support at the level
of a TAship. Students who turn down a position
with Transcriptions/LCI would be guaranteed a
regular TAship.) In previous years when Transcriptions
has received an Instructional Improvement grant
for SA's, therefore, the pay scale during the
academic year has matched that of the English
Department's TA's.
In addition to the base hourly rate, however,
there is also the issue of the benefits that TA's
receive but that SA's normally do not. Based on
a successful paradigm it has previously applied
to Transcriptions grants received from Instructional
Improvement (with the approval of Instructional
Improvement), the English Department will close
this gap by matching SAships with a special portion
of its general TA funding. That portion will cover
the supplementary compensation needed to bring
the total package offered to a Transcriptions/LCI
Student Assistant up to a competitive level (including
tuition remission and health insurance).
In summary, the basic request is for Instructional
Development to provide a base salary rate that
allows Transcriptions/LCI to get into the ball
park in attracting high-skilled assistants. The
English Department will then match with supplementary
funds to bring the total compensation up to the
necessary level. This financial model was highly
successful during the initial phase of Transcriptions,
and Transcriptions/LCI would like to build upon
it in its present funding request.
Support to Continue Benefits
of Project Beyond Initial Development
The English Department plans to
follow its past, successful model of supporting
Transcriptions information-technology projects
funded by Instructional Improvement grants by
providing supplemental and follow-up funding for
TA's. As explained above,
the Department has historically provided supplemental
funding by allocating block grants to off-set
the fees and tuition of graduate assistants working
on Instructional Improvement-funded tasks. Additionally,
the Department normally provides 2.0 FTE to Transciptions
for .25% - 50% TAships (which cover partial fee
and tuition off-sets). (The Department is hoping
to offer this same package to Transcriptions if
its Temporary Sub 0 is not cut too much for the
academic year 2004-2005.) TAs hired on these TAships
revise the Web sites and database architecture
that Instructional Improvement grants contribute
to developing, add new or updated content, and
work with instructors and students in learning
to use the new resources.
7. Appendices |
A. URL's for Web
Sites & Projects Cited in Proposal
English Department (Main Web
English Department Knowledge
Base (Home Page)
English Department Ultimate
Bulletin Board Resources (Threaded Web Forum for
Transcriptions Project
Voice of the Shuttle: Web Site
for Humanities Research
UC Digital Cultures Project
Example Course Sites
Created with Coursebuilder:
General Department Courses:
Transcriptions / LCI Courses:
Early Modern Center Courses:
American Cultures Center Courses:
Letter of Support
(delivered by email)
A letter of support from the following
has been sent by email to the Office of Academic
Program, Instructional Improvement:
- Carl Gutiérrez-Jones,
English Department Chair