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   Transcriptions Research Transcriptions Topics Pages: Index


  1. By Project Developers (faculty & research assistants)
  2. By Graduate Students in Transcriptions Courses
  3. By Undergraduates in Transcriptions/LCI Courses

Transcriptions Topics Pages T ranscriptions topics pages support research, teaching, and learning in the area of literature and information culture by drawing on the special expertise of a variety of faculty, research assistants, and students (supervised by faculty). (See full description of Topics Pages)

(Note: many topics pages were created to match the look and feel of the original Transcriptions Web interface.)

By Transcriptions Project Developers
(Faculty and graduate-student research assistants)

By Graduate Students in Transcriptions Courses

By Undergraduates in Transcriptions/LCI Courses

The following Web sites were created by teams of students for English 165CI, "The Culture of Information," in Fall 1999. The assignment was for each team to create a site on an "Artist of Information":

Each team will create a case study on some writer, artist, musician, philosopher, director, theorist, architect, designer, engineer, or other figure (or group or movement)—whether past or present—whose art exists in implicit or explicit relation with the information media and technology of the time. The idea is to create a view of artists or intellectuals in their information environment (which artists variously collaborate with, contest, influence, are influenced by, etc.). This assignment will require research into the life and work of the chosen artist(s); and it will also require research into the information environment of the artist's time.

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