Readings Due: Watch Blade Runner (Dir. Ridley Scott, 1982)
The film is available for viewing in the Learning Lab in Kerr Hall. You may also rent it at all major video stores.
Tue, 4/8
Dystopian Visions
Readings Due:Blade Runner (Dir. Ridley Scott, 1982)
Mark Poster, "Robocop"
Readings Due: Norbert Wiener, "Men, Machines, and the World About" Metropolis (Dir. Fritz Lang, 1927)
The film is available for viewing in the Learning Lab in Kerr Hall. We are screening the Kino International version (2002).
Readings Due: Roland Barthes, "The Great Family of Man," Posthumanism (11-13)
Michel Foucault, from The Order of Things, Posthumanism (27-29)
Frantz Fanon, from The Wretched of the Earth, Posthumanism (26-29)
Selections from Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, Empire
Thu, 4/24
Michael Jackson's Face: Race & the Posthuman
Readings Due: Quentin Lee, "Cyborg Identity/Metamorphosis/Skin"
Lisa Nakamura, "Head-Hunting on the Internet: Identity Tourism, Avatars, and Racial Passing in Textual and Graphic Chat Spaces"
Tue, 4/29
Gender, Sex, and the Posthuman
Readings Due: Julian Dibbell, "A Rape in Cyberspace"
Shannon McRae, "Coming Apart at the Seams: Sex, Text, and the Virtual Body"
Jean Baudrillard, "Prophylaxis and Virulence," Posthumanism (34-41); available on Electronic Reserve
Readings Due: Jean Baudrillard, "The Final Solution: Cloning Beyond the Human and the Inhuman"
Eduardo Kac, Transgenic "GFP Bunny" The Fly (Dir. David Cronenberg, 1986)
Readings Due: Manuel De Landa, War in the Age of Intelligent Machines
Paul Virilio, "The Sight Machine," from War and Cinema
Paul Rogers, "The Myth of the Clean War"
Critical Art Ensemble, "The Coming of Age of the Flesh Machine" (pdf file)